

Note: All performance areas and shows are different. If you have any questions that are not answered below, please contact us.

What are your requirements for a stage show?

Each performance is different, but in situations where the audience is larger than 100 guests, it is best to have a raised stage of a minimum of 12’ x 8’, so we can be seen. Also, your guest in the back rows would like to see. For smaller audiences, we can use a performance area without a stage.

If we are on a raised stage, the stage must be level, safe and as smooth as possible. We would like that the performance area be clear of obstructions such as cables, speakers, podiums, band or DJ equipment. If that won’t be possible, let us know, so we can work it out.

We are flexible and have shared larger stages with DJs and have even performed the entire show on the dance floor and in front of the band.

What type of sound do you need?

We are fully equipped with an 800 watt sound system and microphones for about 800 indoor guests. For larger audiences, we can patch our sound into a larger PA system or DJ system. For booking a larger PA or DJ, we know several DJs and audio houses that we can recommend.

If you have already booked a DJ, audio person or band, please provide us with their contact information, so we can contact him about his equipment and we can work together.

Do you need any special lighting?

For our stage show we require lighting, especially in dim rooms; it’s best to create a theatre-like atmosphere with light. Magic shows are visual, and we can provide a basic 700 watt spotlight to brighten up the performance area.

For the strolling magic, we don’t need any special lighting

Where can I seat my guests?

Your guests can be seated no more than 8’ from the stage. The “bad angles” are the tables that are seated to the sides of the stage. If it is all possible, try not to have nobody to the sides of the stage.

For events with a dance floor, please place it on the opposite side of the room if possible. A dance floor creates too large a gap between the stage and the audience.

Now if we are performing on the dance floor, or in a different situation, please contact us.

What is your Set-up time?

The set-up time depends on the complexity of the show. If we are performing a large illusion show, we would like to be in the room at least 90 minutes before the audience arrives.

Do you need a Dressing Room?

Yes, we need a small private and secure room to store and change clothes. As well as the name of the person at the venue that can direct us to the room.

If a room may not be available, let us know, so we can make arrangements.

Would you need dinner saved for you?

If dinner will be served to your guests, please make arrangements for two warm dinners to be available for us.

Can we photograph and record your show?

You can record our show, if you let us know beforehand and give us a copy of the photos and/or video.


Can you appear our CEO?

Yes, and the illusion we can appear him from will depend on the venue. Please contact us to discuss several options.

Can you appear large exotic animal?

Yes, we have appeared tigers and other exotic animals. Those particular illusions require pulling special permits and additional costs. Please contact us.

Can you design a special illusion with our company logo or product?

Yes, we can design and manufacture custom illusions for your event. Please realize that this project requires a deposit and, depending on the complexity of the illusions, it can take several weeks or months to complete.